Yesterday (September 1) was the first day of spring in Australia, and unlike in Boston and New York, spring actually arrived on time. The weather got warmer, the skies cleared, and little green leaflets have begun to sprout, breaking through the dull hues of winter.

But we're still in transition from winter, and you can still see the remnants of it. The trees on campus look kind of funny because you can see the skeleton of their dead, jagged branches with a few leaves here and there.

Some of the trees haven't gotten any of their leaves yet, but the flowers make up for that.

Feeling the sun and the warmth again was like meeting old friends after a long period of separation. It lightened my mood, and I even went out to celebrate, doing the outdoor cafe thing drinking a nice iced coffee in the sun. Of course, I later paid for this with a stomach ache since I rarely drink anything with caffeine in it.
I came out of sort of a hibernation period this week, too. Obviously, I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been swamped for the last three, actually six, weeks because three weeks ago, I moved to a new place and for three weeks before that I was looking for a new place. My first place was good, but a little inconveniently located given that I don't have a car and maybe a little too quiet. My new place is really close to school and in a more lively area with a lot of shops and restaurants close by. Actually, there's a picture of my street on one of my previous posts--Lygon street. My new flatmate, Kendra, is Canadian and really nice. I thought that I would live with Aussies when I got here but it's actually not as easy as you might think because it seems like many just live at home. Most Aussies go to college locally.
Anyway, after all this I was really behind on my school work so I've just been trying to catch up and am still trying to catch up.
But that's okay because spring is here!
Happy spring, K! It's been getting cooler here, and it really does feel like the academic year is starting. Enjoy the weather!
happy spring! in about a month or so it'll be turning fall here in seattle...
hey Katheroo!! spring is here but not the warm weather!!!
You got spring and we got fall. It sounds nice except for the inconsistent temp changes. Well we've been experiencing a little of that here too but instead of cold we get wet. Enjoy!
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